New Car Gifted to Woman After Indy 500 Incident

The Indianapolis Motor Speedway kept their word, making sure the woman affected by the Indy 500 incident receives a brand-new vehicle. Robin Matthews, whose car was struck by a tire during the race in May, was presented with a 2023 Chevy Equinox.

Overjoyed, Matthews exclaimed, “This is a significant upgrade from my previous car, Snowball. It’s like Snowball 2.0, my ultimate dream car!”

New Car Gifted to Woman After Indy 500 Incident
New Car Gifted to Woman After Indy 500 Incident

During the Indy 500, Kyle Kirkwood’s wheel detached and collided with Matthews’ car, which she affectionately named Snowball. Reflecting on the incident, Matthews expressed her relief, saying, “I’m truly grateful that no one was injured. Among 300,000 spectators, it happened to hit my car. It’s truly a blessing.”