About us

Wheel guiders were born with a significant cause that we are suffering today. The United States records up to 35% of accidents that are caused mainly due to getting improper tire suggestions from unqualified individuals.

Making an informed decision becomes difficult due to the overcrowded tire market with numerous manufacturers and different brands vying for attention. This is the right time for consumers to be more empowered with unbiased, transparent reviews and expert insights.

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, there are up to 78,000 accidents, 10,000 critical injuries, and more than 410 deaths a year.  

We, as highly dedicated individuals, are committed to reducing tire accidents. However, achieving this goal cannot happen overnight. We are progressing each day with consistent efforts to provide the best tire guides and solutions. We prosper each time you and your family gets a little bit more safer.

Our Goal

At wheel guiders, our goal is to cover each tire review based on thorough research and testing. We also take feedback and opinion from the consumers to get an in depth knowledge about the product before we review them.  

If you come across any vehicle or tire that hasn’t been reviewed, don’t worry. We may already be working on it, and you can expect to see the outcome very soon!

To cut the confusion, wrong suggestions and time to research, we have made our reviews precisely to cater to your needs, considering the different preferences, priorities and budgets. 

Our Motive

We take pride in providing you with the most authentic, honest and unbiased reviews. We highly commit to excellence and strive to ensure that we make your tire selection and buying experience as seamless and stress-free as possible. 

At wheel guiders we strive hard to provide a more user-friendly and authoritative website that can help you to make what you are looking for easy and hassle-free. 

About The Founder – Mo Addy

The founder of Wheel Guiders is an automobile enthusiast who has travelled more than 73,864 miles on wheels. Addy has spent most of his life investing and experimenting with world-class-grade products and constantly tries to stay up to date with the latest technologies and trends, making him the right person to guide us. 

He has also seen and been through many serious road accidents, which has brought him the desire to save others and create a safer and happier environment. 

Travelling different parts of the world and owning multiple vehicle throughout his life, has given him diverse exposure and knowledge of what to expect from our vehicles. 

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