Firefighters Vigilant as Hazard Fire Rekindles at Crowe Tire

In Hazard, fire crews remained vigilant throughout Monday, closely monitoring the site of a fire that erupted at Crowe Tire and Battery. The incident had initially prompted multiple fire departments to rush to the scene on Sunday evening around 8:30. However, on Monday, the flames flared up once more, necessitating continued attention.

Firefighters Vigilant as Hazard Fire Rekindles at Crowe Tire
Firefighters Vigilant as Hazard Fire Rekindles at Crowe Tire

The fire primarily involved burning tires, which emitted dense smoke, creating a hazardous situation. In response, certain roads surrounding the area were temporarily closed to ensure the safety of both the emergency crews and the public. The tire and battery business became the centre of attention as firefighters dedicated their efforts to combat the blaze.

Their presence and commitment were evident throughout the day, as they worked diligently to contain the fire and prevent it from spreading further. The thick smoke coming out from the burning tires posed a challenge, requiring more caution and protective measures. Fire crews employed their expertise to manage the situation effectively, coordinating their actions to minimise the impact on the environment and nearby structures.

As part of their ongoing efforts, the fire departments maintained a constant watch on the Hazard site. They remained prepared to respond to any potential developments or emergencies that may arise. The dedication and professionalism shown by these courageous individuals underscore their commitment to public safety.

Meanwhile, due to the ongoing fire and the necessary firefighting operations, certain roads near the scene remained closed. This precautionary measure was aimed to make sure the smooth functioning of emergency operations and safeguard the well-being of everyone involved.