What To Do With A Flat Tire At Night? – Expert Tips And Guide

Flat tires can occur at any time, especially during the most inconvenient times, such as while rushing to work or driving at night. On the road, after dark, or without a spare tire, it gets even more challenging. I have come up with the best and safe solution.

First and foremost, one should not panic, calm down, and try to replace the tire themselves, but if one fails to do so, calling up a friend, roadside assistance, or insurance company can come into play and help you out within no time.

You can’t notice any apparent damage when tires deflate again. So you might be wondering, what’s wrong? Here you have my back in this article as I spotlight and tell you what to do with a flat tire at night.

What Causes A Flat Tire? Causes And Solution

There are multiple causes for flattening tiers. Here are the main issues with flat tires and their solutions:

What causes a flat tire
What causes a flat tire

Sharp Objects

The most evident and frequent cause of tires is a puncture caused by a sharp item on the road, such as a nail, glass, fragment, screw, industrial staples, or other sharp debris.

Avoid Driving around debris whenever you can to prevent tire punctures and blowouts. Keep an eye out for trash, and others left on the ground in parking lots, such as shattered bottles, and travel with caution on poorly maintained roads and neat construction zones.

Bad Road Conditions

No driver likes potholes, uneven roads, or unexpected debris; they are annoying and can also wreck your vehicle’s axles, undercarriage, and tires. In short, the rougher the road conditions, the more likely your tire will get flat.

The most effective way to prevent tire damage caused by poor road conditions is to drive safely. Reduce your driving speed to respond better to potholes, bumps, and debris. Moreover, always maintain distance between your vehicle and the one in front.

Wear And Tear

Tire blowouts can result from daily aggressive driving wear and tear, which makes them more vulnerable to danger and increases the likelihood that they will do so.

To prolong your tire’s life and stop them from going flat, avoid abrupt starts and stops, have your tires aligned frequently, maintain the correct tire pressure, and rotate your tires frequently.

Valve Stem Leakage

The most common reason for a Valve stem to leak is either improper installation or high exposure to moisture and other corrosive substances. Although if the stems have grown older or soiled, they can also affect the stem adversely.

Check your tire’s valve stem regularly for any apparent signs of leakage or corrosion. Keep your tires inflated to the suggested PSI to help prevent valve stem leakage. Using high-quality valve stem can also help prevent corrosion and wear.

Improper Inflation

Tires typically lose a few PSI (pounds per square inch) of air due to temperature and other variations. If temperatures stay constant and your tires continue to lose pressure, there may be a leak that you must fix.

It is recommended not to rely on the tire’s appearance and follow the manufacturer’s safety recommendations properly. Addressing leaks promptly will help you make the tires more durable, drive comfortably and save up for the next set of tires.

What To Do With A Flat Tire On The Highway?

Flat Tire In The Highway
Flat Tire In The Highway

Tire flattening or quick tire inflation while driving can pose hazards and cause the tire to blow out. In situations like these, the driver should hold the steering wheel firmly and change lanes toward the shoulder with the indicator turned on while controlling their emotions and maintaining their composure.

Once you pull off the highway, put the warning triangle a few steps behind your vehicle or write an SOS note in the trunk. As the safety measures have been taken, replace the flat tire yourself or contact roadside assistance.

What Happens If You Drive On A Flat Tire?

Driving with a flat tire is incredibly risky and might harm your vehicle. A flat tire loses air pressure, leading to deflation and deformation. Because of this, controlling your vehicle may be challenging, particularly at high speeds or during turns.

Driving on a flat tire increases friction between the tire and the road, impairing the vehicle’s weight distribution, which puts more stress and strain on other parts of the vehicle, like the axle, braking system, suspension, and rims.

The tire may experience uneven wear and blowout if the vehicle’s weight exerts too much pressure. You must immediately stop driving and fix the problem if you believe one of your tires is flat.

How Long Can A Car Sit On A Flat Tire

It’s not recommended to let a car sit on a flat tire for an extended time. Although if you have made up your mind, the amount of time that a car can sit on a flat tire depends on the car’s weight, the age of the tire, and the state of the ground where the vehicle is parked. Getting it repaired as soon as possible is recommended.

If the replacement takes more than 24 hours, you should use a car jack to keep the vehicle off the ground. When a car is left on flat tires for an extended period, the rim may not support the vehicle’s weight. It may lead to cracks. Moreover, extended sitting on a balanced tire compromises the tire’s structural integrity and suspension.

Car On Jack
Car On Jack

Also, the metallic rim will be more vulnerable to damage in extremely colder months. As a result, you should store your vehicle in a warm location and, if needed, leave it with a flat tire for a maximum of a day.

Dealing With A Brand New Tire Flat Overnight – The Right Way

If your brand new tire leaks air and you notice that it gets flat overnight, do not panic, as it can happen due to one of the multiple common reasons. If you notice any of these symptoms, it is advisable to have them repaired or replaced under warranty.

  • Manufacturing Defects: The possibility of a manufacturing flaw resulting in air pressure loss in a brand-new tire exists, though it is uncommon.
  • Puncture: If a nail punctures the tire, it may become flat overnight. Rim Leak: If the tire’s rim is improperly sealed, air may leak out and cause the tire to go flat.
  • Cold Weather: The air inside the tire may constrict in cold weather, resulting in pressure loss and flat tires.
  • Overload: The tire may deflate if its weight exceeds its load capacity.
  • Poor Installation: Air leaks and flat tires can be caused by improper tire installation or valve stem damage during installation.

It is essential to regularly check the tread wear and air pressure of your tires to avoid a potential loss of control while driving, particularly in adverse weather conditions. To guarantee the safety of the passenger and the driver, it is better to get the tires inspected by an expert.

I have a flat tire who do I call?

If you know me, I am someone who has been across countries and have been stranded in many situations like these. When you have the capability, why rely on someone else? Its always better to replace your tires yourself.

Although if you are out of tools or spare tires in that case, then these are a few options you can consider –

Caling for help with a flat tire

Call A Friend

You must have heard a friend in need is a friend indeed. Friends are the always ready to support us no matter what. I remember calling a friend on a midnight and he always supported me. If you want to complete the work quickly, I advise you to consider keeping this as your last choice.

Roadside Assistance

The 24-hour roadside assistance is a lifeline for accidents that happen at night. They provide you with all the necessities, like prompt arrivals, replacement tires, qualified repair personnel, and even a tow truck (for significant damages). Absolutely nothing could be better if you have insurance. The future party will answer your call.

Insurance Company

This service depends on the type of insurance policy that you have. If your policy includes this service, you can call them through their roadside assistance hotline number. However, only few companies provide roadside assistance, so it’s important to recheck your insurance documents to understand what services your policy covers.

How long can you keep the spare wheel?

There is no rule of thumb on how far you can drive with a spare tire. These tires aren’t meant to be driven at high speeds or for a longer time. However, it’s important to note that each spare tire comes with a sticker on its surface that displays the designated miles and speed limit that the spare offers. Spare tires deteriorate the handling and stability of the vehicle. It is recommended to replace the tires with the standard set as soon as possible to keep the vehicle going and drive comfortably.

Spare Tire

Will leaving a flat tire on the rim damage it?

A flat tire on a rim can harm both the tire and the rim when left there. The damage will vary depending on how long the tire has been flat and how the tire and rim are generally shaped. Flat tires no longer uniformly distribute vehicle weight across their surface.

It may result in flat patches and uneven tire wear. A flat tire can also increase the sidewall’s stress, causing cracking and other damage. Getting a flat tire fixed or changed quickly is crucial to preventing harm. Avoid keeping it on the rim for too long if you can’t repair it immediately. Before you re-drive on them, look for damage signs.

Late Tire Shops With Their Location

If you are still confused on what to do with a flat tire at night. Then these shops are the saviours. They are legit open 24/7 to help us out!




M&F Pro-Tires corp 24 Hour Tire Shop

New York

Chicago Tire ( 24 hr roadside services)




24 Hour Tire Shop


Sunset 76


Conclusion – What To Do With A Flat Tire At Night

I hope with this article you have found the best solution on what to do with a flat tire at night. This article has now made you capable to face flat tire at any time easily. Having a repair kit and a spare or donut tire in your vehicle can be highly efficient and very useful.

A flat tire can affect your vehicle, but with right measures taken at right time can save yourself from hefty amount of repairs or replacements. If a vehicle maintains a flat tire for an extended period, the rim compels it to flex but sustains the tire until a certain timeframe. Thus it is important to utilise this time in the right way and replace them abruptly.

Ensuring proper inflation of your vehicle’s tires is crucial as it allows for even weight distribution, promoting optimal performance. If you have made up your mind to repair it the next day then jack the vehicle to avoid any damage to the vehicle and have a peace full sleep.   

But if you are still wondering what to do with a flat tire at night, then contacting roadside assistance is the most suggested option as their explicitly good service around the clock makes them worth every penny.

Flat Tire – FAQ

Most tires continue to lose air for various reasons, including faulty valve stems, punctures from nails or sharp objects, corroded tires that create bead leaks on the side of the tire, and even inadequate tire damage repair.

Home tire repair may save your time, money, and stress. Follow these quick steps to replace your tire –

  • To find the source of the leak, spray a soapy solution on the suspected area and observe for any bubbles that form.
  • The area that produces bubbles is likely to be the source of the leak.
  • Jack up your vehicle until the tire is off the ground.
  • Remove the tire from the wheel and apply a rubber patch to the punctured area.
  • Then tighten the lug nuts with the wrench in a star pattern. Check the pressure of the spare or donut tire.
  • Recheck for Leaks.

If your tire gets flat, you can seek the help of your friend, roadside assistance, and the insurance company.

Slow down to 15-20 mph and pull off to the emergency shoulder as soon as possible. Don’t stop on the roadway. Replace the flat tire with a spare tire. If you are not able to do so, seek help through tutorials online.

You should hear and feel a thud and vibration if a tire goes flat while driving. A loud irritating flapping sound from the flat tire usually follows this. If that is the case, you could feel the steering tire tugging to the left or right, depending on which side of the front tire is flat.

Here are few points that will help you to solve your problem

  • Pull over to the emergency shoulder
  • Turn on your hazard lights
  • Gather your tools
  • Loosen the lug nuts
  • Jack up the car
  • Remove the lug nuts and flat tire
  • Mount the spare tire
  • Lower the car
  • Tighten the lug nuts
  • Check the tire pressure

This is a good news. You tires is gradually losing air which is better than most of the tires that lose air abruptly. There might be a small patch needed here and there or you will need to replace the valve and you will be good to go.

  • Be calm and don’t panic
  • Drive your vehicle to the emergency shoulder
  • Check if tire the tire can be repaired
  • Use a flex seal
  • Contact roadside assistance
  • Consider ride sharing services
  • Check if public transportation is available
  • Search for a nearby auto repair store
  • Keep a positive attitude